How We Have Fallen

I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.

We live in a world where basic human decency is thrown out the window, and justified by the outcome of a sporting match. Where a college football player is accused of rape, and the thing on everyone’s mind is whether he’ll be able to

Kanye West writes a song about gold diggers, then marries the biggest one in America. He names his baby North (which should be deserving of an ass whipping, and I hope his son delivers one when he’s old and strong enough), and spouts the most inane bullshit imaginable, and we can’t get enough of this fruit loop.

We have a line of albums out called “Kidz Bop”, ostensibly more age appropriate pop music, and they’re filled with the voices of preteens belting out songs like Jar of Hearts and Britney Spears’ sluttiest hits. I don’t care how you edit Toxic. Its never gonna be kid friendly, and hearing it sung by kids my youngest daughter’s age makes my skin crawl.

In our country today, anyone who compromises the secrecy of our government, even at the cost of our military, is a hero, but if you post spoilers about who won a reality show contest, you are ostracized throughout the net.

Women who work hard at their careers or stay home to raise a child are passed over by the public eye in favor of skinny waifs whose only accomplishment was being born into a rich family or acting like an ass on television.

Speaking of these perfect bodies, they’re not. They’re photoshopped six ways to hell and back, and still women in our country are poisoned daily with the idea that they’re ugly because they don’t measure up.

Why are thugs, punks, and worthless men given admiration based on some fundamentally worthless endeavor? You cheat on your spouse, you abandon your kids, you engage in criminal behavior, but because you’re an athlete, or you play pretend on front of a camera, that somehow makes up for it?

People in the public eye don’t give a fuck whether impressionable young people are watching them, and we don’t hold them accountable because we’re too damned starstruck to care.

People who can’t make a burger worth a fuck are picketing right this minute because they want $15 per hour for a job they can’t even do properly.

The priorities, the sense of entitlement, and the standards in this country suck. Not only that, but we fight harder for the rights of those who behave like jackasses than we do to support those who’ve sacrificed their families, their time, and their lives to defend those jackasses’ rights. Some gangbanging punk with a rap album goes to jail, and petitions circulate. Soldiers come back from wars to substandard care and shoddy psychological counseling, and get a half passed “Thanks for your service” twice a year.

How did we go from the Greatest Generation…to this, in less than a century?

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